Creating new project

How to create a new project in Neuron Power Engineer:

  1. In menu File, select New and one of the items (= Available project templates) and click Next >.
    (info) To locate a particular project template: Enter a text into the field under Wizards to show only the project templates that match the entered text. 
    (info) Depending on the selected item, your Neuron Power Engineer version might provide additional project templates in a following dialog of the wizard. In this case, select the best suited project template and to click Next > again.

  2. In the concluding dialog, enter or select the project name and its location, then click Finish.

    No blanks or special characters in project name and location

    Make sure that there are no blanks or special characters (such as umlauts, e.g. ä, ö, ü) in a project name and in the installation path. If anyway, Neuron Power Engineer will not be able to load the application onto the PLC.
    For the paths and project names, letters A – Z or a – z, numbers 0 – 9, dots (character .), underlines (character _) and dashes (character -) are allowed. Examples for allowed project names: my.projectmy-project, my_Project_01

    Do not create projects in the workspace

    Do not create the project in the workspace of Neuron Power Engineer (in folder workspace of the installation folder of Neuron Power Engineer). Uncheck Use default location and enter another location.
    This ensures that projects will not be deleted by mistake – if you have to delete the workspace e.g. due to troubleshooting instructions.

    Result: The project is displayed within the view containing the projects/resources. Now you can edit the resources of this project or create new objects in it. Observe that your used target system might influence the usage of Neuron Power Engineer (see "Properties and restrictions specific to the target system").

Another possibility to create a new project is:

  1. In menu File or from the context menu within the view containing the projects/resources, select New and Project...

  2. In the dialog, expand one of the categories, then select one of the provided project templates and click Next >.

  3. On the concluding page, enter or select the project name and its location, then click Finish.

Available project templates

Project template


Neuron Power Engineer Project or the sample project for the built-in PLC Counter (ST) or Counter (FBD)

The project contains a PLC-object local for a local →target system.

More project templates might be provided in your used Neuron Power Engineer version.

For instance, the following project templates are provided for the respective target system:

Project template


Neuron Power Engineer Project for Raspberry Pi or one of the sample projects for Raspberry Pi, e.g. Turn LEDs on/off (PiFace required)

The project contains a PLC-object raspberry for a →Raspberry Pi

Neuron Power Engineer Project for Revolution Pi or the sample project Counter Project for Revolution Pi

The project contains a PLC-object RevolutionPi for a →Revolution Pi.

Neuron Power Engineer Project for phyBOARD-Regor

or a sample project for phyBOARD-Regor

Simple Neuron Power Engineer CANopen Project for phyBOARD-Regor or

Neuron Power Engineer Project for Onboard In-/Outputs of phyBOARD-Regor

The project contains a PLC-object phyBoardRegor for a →phyBOARD-Regor.

Neuron Power Engineer Project for phyBOARD-Wega

or the sample project for phyBOARD-Wega
Simple Neuron Power Engineer CANopen Project for phyBOARD-Wega

The project contains a PLC-object phyBoardWega for a →phyBOARD-Wega.

Moving Light with Modbus Access

The project contains PLC-objects for the communication with →Modbus

Neuron Power Engineer Project for Controllino MINI,
Neuron Power Engineer Project for Controllino MAXI,
Neuron Power Engineer Project for Controllino MEGA,
Neuron Power Engineer Project for Controllino MAXI Automation or
one of the sample projects for Controllino, e.g. Moving Light for Controllino MINI

The project contains a PLC-object for the respective →Controllino.

Neuron Power Engineer Project for Arduino Nano V3

The project contains a PLC-object for an →Arduino Nano.

Good to know
(grey lightbulb) Neuron Power Engineer provides a tool for the automated creating of a project.

If you experience problems when creating the projects, see under "Troubleshooting für Projekte" for possible solutions.